Creative Messaging

Radio / Television Media Buying

Offline media makes the sale BEFORE they need you.

Make your business the one they think of first and feel the best about. 


The Cinderella of media. When used correctly there is no more effective or efficient ROI media on the planet. Also, the most difficult and misunderstood in the hands of amateurs or people who have no idea about the medium. Bluntly, radio is our speciality. Clients request we start with radio. Oddly, they never request to be taken off the radio. NEVER. Perhaps that's because when we deliver their custom creative customers magically start appearing. 


Contrary to what your parents told you as a kid, you want to be HEARD & SEEN! Television is a fantastic frequency medium that shows and tells. I have a strict policy for television. Your ads must get seen and liked so much you are the first one they think of when needing your service. So, I tracked down the very best television media buyer around, made a good offer and now we make sure your media buys rock the universe.   


Creative is the very last unfair advantage you can have legally. The secret is say something that moves the needle on the "who gives a crap" meter. If don't get noticed, you don't get remembered. The whole point of advertising is for people to think of your first and feel the best about you when they need what you sell. And if you don't say anything they'll remember... then they go to the one who does. We make them like you and like your ads. When they like your ads and remember you, they call you. Isn't that what you want?

Why it makes sense, strategically speaking.

You are a small business and you want an edge. Offline media makes a ton of sense. Most of your competitors aren't doing it. YES, tons of people still watch TV and listen to the radio. I can show you reams of research to prove it. Here's why it makes sense. When you have won the hearts and minds of consumers BEFORE they need you, two things happen. When they do need you, they call you first. You've won the battle before there ever was one. Your competitors never even had a shot. These same people refer you to their friends. Why? They thought of you first and like you the best. They like you from your ads. Great ads bond with people. We make the kind of ads that make people prefer you. 

Our customers says...

" Rett, thanks to you I'm now a millionaire. "


" We just did your yearly review with Rett. We had a remarkable MILLION DOLLAR increase over last year!! The best part, we didn't add any more dollars to the marketing budget. It compounded just like he said it would!"